DeBary to hire Geotechnical firm to assess depression in park​


February 4, 2020

Shari Simmans

Public Information Officer

City of DeBary

(386) 601-0200



DeBary to hire Geotechnical firm to assess depression in park​

DeBary, Florida – The City of DeBary will be engaging a Geotechnical firm to assess a small depression near the historic plane in Memorial Park.  The depression, which is not a sinkhole, has been an ongoing issue over the past 12 years, and previous analysis has shown that buried organic material surrounds the site.

According to City Manager Carmen Rosamonda: “At this point, we believe that deteriorating organic material is the likely cause of the depression.  The assessment will provide a more definitive analysis and allow us to make an informed decision as to how to correctly repair it.”

Studies done in 2009 and 2011 determined that organic material, including tree trunks, was located under the site.  As organic material disintegrates, sand may fill in the spaces, which is not as stable.

“The study will give us the ability to be pro-active and prevent further disruption at this popular asset in our community” stated Rosamonda.

Staff will present the request at a regularly scheduled Council meeting on Wednesday, February 5.

For more information, please contact Shari Simmans, Public Information Officer at or 352-902-4141.